What is the Tellington TTouch® Method?

Tellington TTouch®

is a method of working with animals that has proven effective in reducing stress, fear, aggression and anxiety; as well as modify behavior, increase flexibility and—when combined with veterinarian care—aid in recovery. The approach is gentle yet systematic and helps animals to better cope with different and novel situations. It improves confidence, focus and learning.

With the use of gentle touches, body wraps and groundwork (a variety of exercises with equipment) we engage and calm the animal's nervous system as well as teach the animal to move in non-habitual ways. Since an animal that is stressed or anxious cannot learn, the incorporation of TTouch® allows me to aid an animal (in my case dogs, cats, birds and rabbits) by teaching them how to relax. The animal can then focus on learning new ways of coping with situations in which he previously reacted with fear, concern or anxiety.

Another terrific benefit of TTouch® is that it provides the guardian with the tools to engage with their animal in ways that are non-threatening—establishing or deepened the trust between them. As part of a TTouch® session you will learn how to use wraps and perform bodywork.

This service could be incorporated into a training session with your dog or as a TTouch® only session.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Classes for November 2010

Three Day Workshop: Using The Leash As A Communication Tool

In this three day-workshop I will teach you a myriad of ways to walk your dog with less effort, or strain on your dog, better body mechanics, efficiency and safety. We will explore and practice techniques from the Tellington TTouch® method as well as techniques used in the field of reward-based dog training.
The workshop is ideal for guardians/owners who’s dog pulls on the leash or who want more control and better body mechanics when walking their dog. This workshop is NOT appropriate for dogs that lunge and/or growl at other dogs or people when on leash.
Wed. Nov. 10th, 17th and Dec. 1st   from 6:30 p.m.- 7:30 p.m.
Open to six dogs and their guardians
Fee:  $75.00
To Register:
About Almudena:
Almudena is a graduate of the renowned San Francisco Academy for Dog Trainers,
A nationally certified professional dog trainer and a certified Tellington TTouch® practitioner.
With over 10 years of teaching experience, she loves teaching people as well as dogs.
Almudena is keenly interested in working with dogs that suffer from emotional issues such as fear, anxiety and aggression as well as working with rowdy adolescents, puppies everyday problem solving for guardians and their dogs.  For more information please contact me via my website  www.chacodogtraining.com  or 954-1434

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